Hospice White River is appealing to members of the community to pledge R100 per month to Hospice, on an ongoing basis to help ‘keep the Hospice candle burning’.
As we receive no government funding and financial assistance from National Lottery is no longer forthcoming, we need to proactively seek alternative funding. The current economic climate is placing stressful demands on all non profit organisations and we are no exception. Through the Candle of Compassion campaign, our intention is to encourage 500 people to donate just R100 per month (or any amount that is personally affordable). In achieving this goal, we can cover a significant portion of our monthly expenses and this will enable us to continue doing our valuable work in the community.
To make a pledge we invite donors to set up a recurring monthly payment to Hospice. Our banking details are:
Hospice White River
FNB White River
Branch Code: 270 552
Account number: 6202 566 8304
We do ask that all donors inform us of their donation so we can allocate the donation to the proper channel and issue them with an 18A tax receipt.