We Extend our sincere thanks to

  • Our landscape architect
  • The Wellness Specialist
  • Martin from NuPlan
  • Smart Stone 
  • De Jager Sand
  • Danie Joubert Architectural Services 




Hospice House is the touchpoint location for the caring and compassionate work Hospice White River does in the community. While the house is entirely functional as the base of operations of the Hospice White River team, it is not particularly well suited to accommodating the often-emotional interactions between ourselves and those community members in our care struggling with disease or loss.


It is for this reason that Hospice Haven was created and will be utilised to create an inviting, functional, contemporary space where people can meet, gather, or simply seek refuge from the strain invariably present when dealing with severe illness or battling with grief. It is a place of reflection but also a place of inspiration with a calming influence.


The existing garden was revamped utilising the services of various professionals within the White River community. Should you feel you would like to come and have a look and just sit and reflect, please let us know as you are all very welcome.


We would like to thank everyone who lent a helping hand in getting Hospice Haven ready and as beautiful as it ended up being.